请用英文写"this is it"与杰克逊的介绍

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 20:07:56


This Is It---It's ALL For Love
--Michael Jackson

This is it
Here I stand
I'm the light of the world
Love is grand
And this love
I can feel
And I know
Yes, for sure
It is real

Hearing this voice which is so familiar to me,without my awareness, the tear rolling dowm my face. Michael we've been missing you.
His music reached billions
His dream inspired the world
But there was still one dream he wanted to share with everyone………
This Is It. It’s the dream.
It’s the dream he has been longing for ages, it’s the dream he put his whole heart in, it’s the dream he made to tell us we need to Heal our world before it’s too late.
But, he lost his words.He didn’t make the dream come true.
The film was supposed to be